Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Summary 5.1

-carbon atom is a connecting point from which other atoms can branch off in up to four directions.

-carbon can form bonds with one or more other carbon atoms producing variety of skeletons.
-carbon based molecules are classified as organic molecules.
-noncarbon based molecules are classified as inorganic molecules(water, oxygen, etc)
-molecules only composed of carbon and hydrogen is hydrocarbons(natural gas, fuel used for heating homes)
-two other atoms frequently found in organism molecules are oygen and hydrogen.

-the carbon skeleton and the attached functional groups dermine the properties of an organic molecule.
-hydrophilic attracts water molecules.
-a polymer can be the chain of monomers like train and the cars attached.
-polymers are built by about 50 monomers
-life's large molecules are carbonhydrate, lipids, proteins and DNA(nucleic acids)
-when water molecule is released, a monomer is added to the chain.
-must break polymers to make monomers available to cell.

Concept Check 5.1

1.Draw a molecule that has a three carbon skeleton and hydroxyl group on the middle carbon.

2.Explain the connection between monomers and polymers.

Large molecules that are built from many similar, smaller units are monomers and cells linked monomers into long chain is polymer so inorder to be a polymer, cells linked monomers are needed.

3.What molecule is released during construction of a polymer? What is this reaction called?

Water molecule is released and the reaction is called dehydration reation.

4.Draw at least three ways in which five carbon atoms could be joined to make different carbon skeletons.

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