Wednesday, 3 September 2008

Summary 5.4

-protein is a polymer constructed from a set of 20 kinds of amino acids.

-proteins circulate in the blood and defend the body from harmful microorganisms and other act as signal, sending messages from one cell to another.

-each amino acid, a cetral carbon atom bonded to four partners, three central carbon's partners are same in all amino acids and one is hydrogen atom

-the difference for each amino type is the side group

-side group of amino acid are leucine, a hydrocarbon, attracts water.

-polypeptide is making amino acids into a chain

-a protein's shape is influenced by the environment, aqueous.

-process called denaturation is used when protein is heated.

Concept Check 5.4

1.Give at least two examples of proteins you can "see" in the world around you. What are their functions?

Hair and muscles. Hair makes animas to keep in temperature and their muscles make them strong.

2.Relate amino acids, polypeptides, and proteins.

Protein is polymer made from 20 kinds of monomers which is amino acids. Amino acid pairs the central carbon atom with four partners and linking them into a chain is polypeptide.

3.Expain how heat can destroy a protein.

The heat uses a process called denaturation which means heat denatures protein and makes it into a solid.

4. Which parts of an amino acid's structure are the same in all amino acids? Which part is unique?

They are all responsible for particular chemical properties of each amino acids and each type of amino acid is attached to the fouth bond of the central carbon.

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